SDF’s SQL Linter

Welcome to the future of SQL linting!

We have redefined SQL linting, setting a new standard for how we can help Data Engineers achieve readability, reliability, and performance in the data transformation layer. Our SQL Linter is build on top of SDF’s core engine to ensure unmatched accuracy, performance, and depth of rules compared with standard SQL linters.

100x Faster

SDF’s linter is 100x Faster than standard SQL Linters since it’s built with Rust and utilizes SDF’s sophisticated caching mechanism.


Accurately detect issues in your SQL by relying on SDF’s core engine

Advanced rules

We provide advanced typing, optimization, and custom governance rules by leveraging to SDF’s one-of-a-kind SQL semantic understanding

Advanced rules rely on SDF’s compilation and will automatically execute sdf compile as a pre-requisite.

Linting Rule Types

ParameterDescriptionStandard SQL LinterSDF
Layout rulesSQL formatting rules🟢🟢
Syntax rulesSQL syntax consistency and best practices rules🟡🟢
Semantic rulesLogic and datatype related guardrails🔴🟢
Performance rulesPerformance enhancement recommendations🔴🟢
Custom SDF Checks rulesChecks against SDF’s information schema🔴🟢

Find Issues

  • Use sdf lint to evaluate your SQL code against a set of linting rules
  • You can lint a subset of models by specifying targets for the command: sdf lint [TARGET]
  • Default linter configuration

Customize and Configure

  • By default, sdf lint uses SDF’s recommended rules and configuration
  • To customize our linter rules according to your preferences, override the default settings with a linter-rules configuration block in your workspace.sdf.yml
    linter-rules: my_custom_linter

    name: my_custom_linter
        flag-inconsistent-grouping: on
    semantic-rules: # semantic-rules
        disallow-implicit-conversions-in: [eq,in]

The linter config block will override the default configuration.

Default Rules

  name: default_linter

    disallow-implicit-conversions-in: [] # (off) 

    case-keyword: consistent 
    case-literal: consistent 
    case-type: consistent   
    disallow-subquery-in: [from, join] 
    disallow-these-chars-in-quoted-identifiers: ".#%{}\\<>*?/!'\":@+`|="
    disallow-these-identifiers: []  
    flag-distinct-parenthesis: on 
    flag-inconsistent-qualified-column-reference: on  
    flag-inconsistent-ordinal-column-reference: on  
    flag-keywords-used-as-identifiers: []  
    flag-misordered-join-condition: on 
    flag-select-item-order: on 
    flag-trailing-semicolon-after-statements: on  
    flag-unnecessary-case: on 
    flag-unnecessary-else: on 
    flag-unnecessary-nested-case: on 
    flag-unnecessary-quoted-identifiers: on  
    flag-unqualified-multi-source-column-reference: on  
    flag-unused-cte: on    

All other rules are turned off by default.

CI Integration

To learn how to integrate SDF into your CI/CD workflow, check out our CI/CD guide. Once the integration is set up, just add the sdf lint command to the workflow configuration:

    - uses: sdf-labs/sdf-action@v0
        sdf_version: 'latest'
        command: 'sdf lint' 
        snowflake_account_id: ${{ secrets.SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT_ID }}
        snowflake_username: ${{ secrets.SNOWFLAKE_USERNAME }}
        snowflake_password: ${{ secrets.SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD }}
        snowflake_role: ${{ secrets.SNOWFLAKE_ROLE }}
        snowflake_warehouse: ${{ secrets.SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE }}

You can specify a target for the command to only run sdf lint on a partial DAG

Rules Reference

For the full list of rules and configuration options, please visit our lint rules reference page