SDF Error Codes
SDF Error codes are designed to simplify debugging. Each error code is a 3-digit number in the range [100, 999], stored as a u16 value. These codes are grouped into ranges. Error codes pertain only to SQL statements, not to networking, YML, or other configuration.
- [101 -> 200] - Syntax errors
- [201 -> 300] - Semantic errors
- [301 -> 400] - Logical Plan Builder
- [401 -> 400] - Coarse grained errors relating to an entire block or expression
- [>900] - Internal, unexpected or unknown errors
Error Code Reference
Error Code | Error Name |
1000 | Generic |
1001 | IoError |
1002 | EncodingError |
1003 | FileIoError |
1004 | CacheError |
1005 | InvalidConfig |
1006 | InvalidPath |
1007 | InvalidArgument |
1008 | MissingArgument |
1009 | InferenceError |
1010 | InvalidTable |
1011 | AuthenticationError |
1012 | MissingClassifiers |
1013 | SerializationError |
1014 | RemoteError |
1015 | ExecutionError |
1016 | ArrowError |
1017 | ParquetError |
1018 | ObjectStoreError |
1019 | LogicalPlanError |
1020 | ResourceError |
1021 | GenericDatafusionError |
1022 | CyclicDependency |
1023 | UnsupportedFileFormat |
1024 | FileNotFound |
1025 | MissingTable |
1026 | InvalidType |
1027 | MergeConflict |
1028 | MissingSourceLocation |
1029 | TooManyRows |
1030 | TableMissingProvider |
1031 | AmbiguousRenamingSpecification |
1032 | UndefinedField |
1033 | DuplicateColumns |
1034 | MissingWorkspaceFile |
1035 | InvalidEnvironment |
1036 | DuplicateEnvironment |
1037 | UnsupportedWorkspaceEdition |
1038 | CredentialsError |
1039 | LintCheckFailed |
1040 | SubprocessError |
1041 | FmtError |
1042 | FunctionDefinitionError |
1043 | BuildError |
1500 | MacroUnsupportedValueType |
1501 | JinjaError |
1502 | MacroSyntaxError |
1503 | MacroVarNotFound |
1504 | InvalidSeedValue |
2000 | SessionError |
2001 | UnsupportedLocalExecutionDialect |
8998 | InvalidDialect |
8999 | RuntimeError |
8997 | InvalidUserInput |
9000 | NotSupported |
9001 | Unknown |
9002 | Unexpected |
9003 | NotImplemented |
9004 | InvalidTableNameInCLI |
101 | SyntaxError |
102 | SchemaError |
103 | MalformedExpression |
104 | DanglingComma |
105 | AmbiguousColumnReference |
106 | FunctionCaseMismatch |
107 | KeywordCaseMismatch |
108 | BooleanLiteralCaseMismatch |
109 | NullLiteralCaseMismatch |
110 | PrimitiveTypeCaseMismatch |
111 | StatementMustEndWithSemicolon |
112 | InconsistentReference |
113 | PreferCTE |
114 | JoinCriteriaWrongReferenceOrder |
115 | WildcardBeforeSingleTargets |
116 | RequireDereference |
117 | InvalidIdentifierCharacter |
118 | UnnecessaryQuoting |
119 | UnnecessaryElse |
120 | UnnecessaryCase |
121 | UnreferencedCTE |
122 | NestedCase |
123 | DistinctUsedWithParentheses |
124 | BlockedWord |
125 | KeywordUsedAsIdentifier |
126 | ImplicitCoerced |
127 | LinterError |
128 | SubstitutionRequiresTableAlias |
129 | ColumnNameCaseMismatch |
199 | PySparkError |
201 | NameNotFound |
202 | AmbiguousName |
203 | InvalidUnnest |
204 | InvalidLiteral |
205 | InvalidEscape |
206 | InvalidInterval |
207 | InvalidProperty |
208 | UnknownVariable |
209 | FunctionResolutionFailed |
210 | TableFunctionResolutionFailed |
211 | SchemaMismatch |
212 | DuplicateCteName |
213 | UnaggregatedColumn |
214 | TableNotFound |
215 | TableWildcardNotFound |
216 | InvalidGroupByOrdinal |
217 | InvalidAlias |
218 | InvalidHavingClause |
219 | UnresolvedColumnOrdinal |
220 | ColumnAliasMismatch |
221 | InvalidTableName |
222 | InvalidSetOperation |
223 | InvalidPatternRecognition |
224 | InvalidJoinCriteria |
225 | TableMissingLocation |
226 | NonUniformTypeArray |
227 | UnresolvedIdentifier |
228 | IncompatibleTypes |
229 | DuplicateProperty |
230 | IllegalType |
231 | InvalidTimeUnit |
232 | UnresolvedRegex |
233 | UnresolvedGroupBy |
234 | UnresolvedWindow |
235 | InvalidStruct |
236 | UnknownFunctionLanguage |
237 | UnresolvedStage |
238 | InvalidBooleanExpression |
239 | InvalidPartitionBy |
240 | InvalidStageName |
241 | SnowflakeNotSupportTimeUnitAfterInterval |
242 | ImplicitColumnAlias |
243 | InvalidSchemaName |
244 | UnknownType |
245 | CatalogNotFound |
246 | SchemaNotFound |
247 | InvalidSchema |
248 | AsteriskNeedsInput |
401 | BadQueryNoWith |
402 | BadRowCount |
403 | BadInlineTable |
404 | BadQuery |
405 | BadTableFunctionArgument |
406 | InvalidPredicate |
407 | InvalidComparison |
408 | InvalidBetween |
409 | InvalidInList |
410 | InvalidInSubquery |
411 | InvalidArithmetic |
412 | InvalidConcatenation |
413 | InvalidValueExpression |
414 | InvalidListAgg |
415 | InvalidCase |
416 | InvalidCast |
417 | InvalidFunctionCall |
418 | InvalidSubscript |
419 | InvalidDereference |
420 | InvalidJsonExists |
421 | InvalidJsonValue |
422 | InvalidJsonQuery |
423 | InvalidPrimaryExpression |
424 | InvalidJsonObject |
425 | InvalidQualifiedName |
426 | InvalidJsonArray |
427 | InvalidColumnReference |
428 | InvalidSqlFunction |
429 | InvalidDeclare |
430 | InvalidNamedArgument |
431 | InvalidInsertInto |
432 | InvalidPivot |
433 | InvalidExpression |
434 | InvalidCollate |
435 | InvalidRegexp |
436 | InvalidFunctionName |
301 | ProjectionFailed |
302 | JoinFailed |
303 | AggregateFailed |
304 | SetOperationFailed |
305 | SortFailed |
306 | LimitFailed |
307 | CreateViewFailed |
308 | CreateTableFailed |
309 | CreateIndexFailed |
310 | InsertIntoFailed |
311 | DistinctFailed |
312 | ValuesFailed |
313 | HavingFailed |
314 | WindowFailed |
315 | TableAliasFailed |
316 | ScanFailed |
317 | FilterFailed |
318 | RecursiveCTEFailed |
892 | LegacyBinder |
893 | LegacyParser |
894 | LegacyDatafusion |
9900 | FrontendNotSupported |
9901 | FrontendUnknown |
9902 | FrontendUnexpected |
9903 | FrontendNotImplemented |
9904 | FrontendAntlrError |
9905 | FrontendExecutionError |