Lint rules
Default Configuration
name: linter_rules
# options: consistent, upper, lower, pascal, snake, camel
case-keyword: consistent
# options: consistent, upper, lower, pascal, snake, camel
case-literal: consistent
# options: consistent, upper, lower, pascal, snake, camel
case-type: consistent
# options: add blocked identifier names. try: [‘message’]
no-these-identifiers: []
# options: on
keywords-as-identifiers: on
# options: default pattern ”.#%{}\<>*?/!’":@+|=" no-these-chars-in-quoted-identifiers: ".#%{}\\<>*?/!'\":@+
# options: on
no-unnecessary-quoted-identifiers: on
# options: consistent, qualified, unqualified
ctx-strict-qualified-column-reference: consistent
# options: on
no-unqualified-multi-source-column-reference: on
# options: on
no-inconsistent-ordinal-column-reference: on
# options: on
no-unnecessary-else: on
# options: on
no-unnecessary-case: on
# options: on
no-unused-cte: on
# options: on
no-unnecessary-nested-case: on
# options: on
no-distinct-parenthesis: on
# options: [from, join]
no-subquery-in: [from, join]
# options: on
strict-join-condition-order: on
# options: on
strict-wildcard-order: on
# options: on
no-trailing-semicolon: on
# options [eq] / [in] / [eq, in]
ctx-no-implicit-conversions-in: []
Check Rules
Include SDF Checks as custom lint rules.
To enable an SDF check (e.g., check name: view_name_must_start_with_v_
) as
part of SDF lint, add the following configuration to your linter:
name: example_workspace_name
# {fully_qualified_check_name}: on on
Learn how to create custom checks in our SDF Checks guide.