
Supported Signatures

function add_months(string, bigint) returns timestamp

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Returns the input timestamp converted from source timezone to a destination timezone Supported Signatures

function convert_timezone $1(varchar, varchar, $1) returns timestamp
	where $1 in (timestamp, string)
function convert_timezone $1(varchar, $1) returns timestamp
	where $1 in (timestamp, string)

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Construct a date from individual components Supported Signatures

function date_from_parts(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns date

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Supported Signatures

function date_part $1(string, $1) returns decimal(9, 0)
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, day, d, dd, days, dayofmonth, dayofweek, weekday, dow, dw, dayofweekiso, weekday_iso, dow_iso, dw_iso, dayofyear, yearday, doy, dy, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, weekiso, week_iso, weekofyeariso, weekofyear_iso, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, yearofweek, yearofweekiso, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds, epoch_second, epoch, epoch_seconds, epoch_millisecond, epoch_milliseconds, epoch_microsecond, epoch_microseconds, epoch_nanosecond, epoch_nanoseconds, timezone_hour, tzh, timezone_minute, tzm)
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)

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Supported Signatures

function date_trunc(string, date) returns date
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, day, d, dd, days, dayofmonth, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, millisecond, ms, mesc, milliseconds, microsecond, us,, usec,, microseconds, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds)
function date_trunc(string, time(n)) returns time(n)
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, day, d, dd, days, dayofmonth, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, millisecond, ms, mesc, milliseconds, microsecond, us,, usec,, microseconds, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds)
function date_trunc(string, timestamp(n)) returns timestamp(n)
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, day, d, dd, days, dayofmonth, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, millisecond, ms, mesc, milliseconds, microsecond, us,, usec,, microseconds, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds)

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Supported Signatures

function dateadd $1(string, double, $1) returns $1
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, day, d, dd, days, dayofmonth, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, millisecond, ms, mesc, milliseconds, microsecond, us,, usec,, microseconds, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds)
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)

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Supported Signatures

function datediff $1, $2(string, $1, $2) returns bigint
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, day, d, dd, days, dayofmonth, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, millisecond, ms, mesc, milliseconds, microsecond, us,, usec,, microseconds, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds)
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)
	and $2 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)

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Supported Signatures

function day($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function dayname $1($1) returns varchar
	where $1 in (date, string)

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Supported Signatures

function dayofmonth($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function dayofweek($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function dayofweekiso($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function dayofyear($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function extract $1(string, $1) returns double
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, day, d, dd, days, dayofmonth, dayofweek, weekday, dow, dw, dayofweekiso, dayofweek_iso, weekday_iso, dow_iso, dw_iso, dayofyear, yearday, doy, dy, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, weekiso, week_iso, weekofyeariso, weekofyear_iso, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, yearofweek, yearofweekiso, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds, epoch_second, epoch, epoch_seconds, epoch_millisecond, epoch_milliseconds, epoch_microsecond, epoch_microseconds, epoch_nanosecond, epoch_nanoseconds, timezone_hour, tzh, timezone_minute, tzm)
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)

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Supported Signatures

function hour($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function last_day $1($1) returns date
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)
function last_day $1($1, string) returns date
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, millisecond, ms, mesc, milliseconds, microsecond, us,, usec,, microseconds, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds)
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)

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Supported Signatures

function minute($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function month($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function monthname $1($1) returns varchar
	where $1 in (date, string)

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Supported Signatures

function months_between $1($1, $1) returns bigint
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)

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Supported Signatures

function next_day $1($1, varchar) returns date
	where $1 in (date, string)

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Supported Signatures

function previous_day $1($1, varchar) returns date
	where $1 in (date, string)

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Supported Signatures

function quarter($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function second($1) returns bigint

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Construct a time from individual components Supported Signatures

function time_from_parts(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns time
function time_from_parts(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns time

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Supported Signatures

function time_slice $1($1, bigint, string) returns $1
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)
function time_slice $1($1, bigint, string, string) returns $1
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)

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Supported Signatures

function timeadd $1(string, double, $1) returns $1
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, day, d, dd, days, dayofmonth, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, millisecond, ms, mesc, milliseconds, microsecond, us,, usec,, microseconds, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds)
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)

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Supported Signatures

function timediff $1(string, $1, $1) returns bigint
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, day, d, dd, days, dayofmonth, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, millisecond, ms, mesc, milliseconds, microsecond, us,, usec,, microseconds, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds)
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)

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Construct a timestamp from individual components Supported Signatures

function timestamp_from_parts(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns timestamp
function timestamp_from_parts(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns timestamp
function timestamp_from_parts(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0), varchar) returns timestamp
function timestamp_from_parts(date, time) returns timestamp

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Supported Signatures

function timestampadd $1(string, double, $1) returns $1
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, day, d, dd, days, dayofmonth, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, millisecond, ms, mesc, milliseconds, microsecond, us,, usec,, microseconds, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds)
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)

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Supported Signatures

function timestampdiff $1(string, $1, $1) returns bigint
	where string in (year, y, yy, yyy, yyyy, yr, years, yrs, month, mm, mon, mons, months, day, d, dd, days, dayofmonth, week, w, wk, weekofyear, woy, wy, quarter, q, qtr, qtrs, quarters, hour, h, hh, hr, hours, hrs, minute, m, mi, min, minutes, mins, second, s, sec, seconds, secs, millisecond, ms, mesc, milliseconds, microsecond, us,, usec,, microseconds, nanosecond, ns, nsec, nanosec, nsecond, nanoseconds, nanosecs, nseconds)
	where $1 in (date, time, timestamp, varchar)

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truncate the fractional or date part Supported Signatures

function trunc(decimal(38, 0)) returns decimal(38, 0)
function trunc(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns decimal(38, 0)
function trunc(double) returns double
function trunc(double, double) returns double
function trunc(date, varchar) returns date
function trunc(time, varchar) returns time
function trunc(timestamp, varchar) returns timestamp

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Supported Signatures

function week($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function weekiso($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function weekofyear($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function year($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function yearofweek($1) returns bigint

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Supported Signatures

function yearofweekiso($1) returns bigint

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