September 12th, 2023

We are excited to announce that a new release of our CLI is now available, bringing some exciting updates and improvements to SDF.

What’s New?

  • Parallelization: Based on hardware and structure of the dag, performance increases up to 10X
  • Introduced the ‘—no-parallel’ flag to turn off parallelism
  • Introduced ‘—infer-function’ flag which allows functions to be inferred instead of required
  • Direct table access and refined CLI. New include path field access-with:. Supports direct access to ddls and queries, provided they follow a naming scheme. Allows workspaces to grow to 1+ mil. artifacts and still be fast

Latest Builds

Linux Intel X86-640.1.76Download
Linux Arm ARM-640.1.76Download
Apple Intel X86-640.1.76Download
Apple Arm AARCh-640.1.76Download