SDF DB is currently designed to model Trino in semantics and execution. All functions are currently designed for 1:1 compatiblity with the functions in the Trino Dialect. Function implementation is in Rust, providing for fast execution.

SDF DB natively uses the Arrow data format for vectorized computation. There are many built-in functions for common operations. These functions include, but are not limited to:

  • String Functions: UPPER(), LOWER(), CONCAT(), SUBSTRING(), etc.
  • Numeric Functions: ABS(), ROUND(), CEIL(), FLOOR(), etc.
  • Date and Time Functions: NOW(), DATEADD(), DATEDIFF(), FORMAT(), etc.
  • Aggregate Functions: COUNT(), SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX(), etc.

Adding New SQL Functions

SDF DB does not yet support all Trino functions. There are many after all. Functions are implemented on a first-come first-serve basis in the open source sql-functions repository.

If you would like a new function, please Open an Issue or contribute the function yourself.

And, if you’d like to use these functions yourself, they are available as a rust crate.

Known Limitations

SDF DB is in Alpha with many popular Trino features coming soon.

Currently SDF DB is Missing Support For:

  • User Defined Functions
  • Lambdas