May 17, 2024

We are excited to announce that a new minor release of our CLI is now available, bringing improvements, new features, and bug fixes to SDF. Interested in our product roadmap or want to discuss features? Reach out to your SDF point of contact to provide any points of feedback!

Major Docs Update and Overhaul

The documentation website received a much needed refresh this past week and welcomed the creation of new tabs. Each of these holds specific information in regards to the different offerings of SDF.

  • Documentation
  • Database
  • Cloud
  • Releases
  • Reference

Basic Materialization and Incremental Materialization

Two new docs cover the process of materializing your tables and views in Snowflake with SDF:

  • Basic Materialization A guide to materialize your first tables and views in Snowflake with SDF. Utilize datasets from our partner, Cybersyn, to bootstrap some example data through Snowflake’s data marketplace.

  • Incremental Materialization Build on the basics with incremental materialization of models in Snowflake using SDF. Focus on incremental updates to optimize performance and resource usage.

New Docs!







General bug fixes and stability improvements:

  • Fix relative bug issues and add tests
  • Billing & other UI updates
  • Integration Test Overhaul and Introduction into console/cloud UI testing
  • Implemented binder warnings
  • Additional support added for Git Tags
  • General bug fixes & issue resolution

Latest Builds

Linux Intel X86-640.2.19Download
Linux Arm ARM-640.2.19Download
Apple Intel X86-640.2.19Download
Apple Arm AARCh-640.2.19Download