SDF supports execution of arbitrary scripts which can be executed via the sdf exec command. In this way, you may string multiple commmands together, sequentially.

scripts is a reserved name keyword in the config yml block. Each property in scripts will be an independently executable command.

To execute any script run: sdf exec [SCRIPT_NAME]

Keep in mind:

  • If a subcommand exits with an error code, SDF will propagate that error code, and exit with that same error code
  • SDF pipes both stdout and stderr from subcommands
  • Scripts are run via the sh shell. Color coding will not be preserved.

Getting Started

To configure a custom script, add a scripts element to the config block. Each element in the properties array will become a separately executable command.

  name: scripts
  description: My custom scripts
    my_script: "echo 'hello world'"
    other_script: "echo $USER"
    macro_script: "echo {{env_var('PWD')}}" # needs preprocessor: jinja

You are now able to execute these scripts as:

  • sdf exec my_script
  • sdf exec other_script
  • sdf exec macro_script

Reserved Script Keywords: Pre-Compile, Pre-Run, Post-Compile & Post-Run

In addition to generic scripts, SDF has 4 reserved keywords which will execute scripts natively as part of sdf compile and sdf run commands.

  • pre-compile -> When executing sdf compile or sdf check or sdf report, the script in pre-compile is executed first
  • post-compile -> When executing sdf compile or sdf check or sdf report, the script in post-compile is executed after compile has successfully finished
  • pre-run -> When executing sdf run or sdf test or sdf stats, the script in pre-run is executed first
  • post-run -> When executing sdf run or sdf test or sdf stats, the script in post-run is executed after run has successfully finished


The configuration below utilizes all 4 keywords. Let’s add it to the default workspace from sdf new

  name: scripts
  description: Below are the 4 reserved keywords for scripts
    pre-compile: >
    post-compile: >
    pre-run: >
      echo "RUNNING PRE-RUN"
    post-run: >
      echo "RUNNING POST-RUN"

When executing sdf compile, we now run the pre-compile script first, and then post-compile resulting in the below output.

> sdf compile
  Working set 1 model file, 1 .sdf file
         Info Executing pre-hook
    Compiling (./models/main.sql)
         Info Executing post-hook
     Finished 1 model [1 succeeded] in 0.270 secs

Use Cases

Scripts allow for organization specific workflows

  • Pre-hooks and Post-hooks -> Run custom logic before or after an SDF command
  • Metadata uploading -> Upload SDF’s information schema to a database for further processing.
  • Post processing -> Parse metadata for post-run statistics
  • Validate results -> Run python, js, shell, or any other process to validate that current changes fit with your current data infrastructure.

User & Root User

Scripts inherit the user of the calling SDF process. As a result sudo sdf exec ... will run subcommands as sudo as well.

See the below script to validate whether an SDF script is root.

  name: scripts
    is_root: >
      if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
        then echo "Not running as root"
        echo "Running as root"