To further increase SDF’s velocity, it is possible to restructure the workspace and allow SDF to index it.

It is recommended to store all models within a directory structure of catalog/schema/table-name. Following this structure, SDF auto-applies fully qualified names to the DDLs allowing for faster search and compilation.

Within SDF, the process of indexing begins with the first sdf compile command. This creates an index of the local filesystem and workspace, allowing for files and dependencies to be mapped. The default index type, unless specified within the workspace, is set to none.

In the following example, the csv_123 sample workspace is used. If this workspace is not already set up, it can be created with an sdf new --sample csv_123 command.



Basic Index

Within a workspace.sdf.yml file, the index field can be updated to specify the type of index desired. In this example, the following csv_123 workspace can be edited and utilized where index is specified as none.

   name: csv_123
   edition: "1.3"
     dialect: trino
      - path: models
        index: none
      - path: local
        index: none
      - path: data
        type: resource

By setting the index value to none, every time you run sdf compile SDF begins a lookup to find the SQL defining the table in question. SDF begins by parsing a query, understands that it depends on another table and attempts to find the subsequent table. With indexing set appropriately, SDF knows exactly where the query files needed are stored. Comparitively, without indexing, or indexing set to none, SDF has to scan until it located the query needed.

In this example, the current directory is set to:

├── data
│   └── a.csv
├── local
│   └── one.sql
├── remote
│   └── one.sql
├── src
│   ├── three.sql
│   └── two.sql
└── workspace.sdf.yml

And running an SDF compile results in a total run-time of 0.162 seconds:

Working set 3 model files, 1 .sdf file
  Compiling (./local/one.sql)
  Compiling (./src/two.sql)
  Compiling (./src/three.sql)
   Finished 3 models [3 succeeded] in 0.162 secs

Indexing at Scale with Catalog-Schema-Table-Name

Utilizing the default index function of none for indexing works at reasonable scale, but when it comes to large organizations that have thousands of tables utilizing a different index function can drastically increase the speed of the process.

Three other options are the following:

  • catalog-schema-table-name
  • schema-table-name
  • table-name

Let’s test the speed improvement by changing the index and directories:

Begin by specifying the index type to catalog-schema-table-name and defining defaults for the catalog and schema:

   name: csv_123
   edition: "1.3"
    catalog: example
    schema: pub
    dialect: trino
      - path: models
        index: catalog-schema-table-name
      - path: local
        index: catalog-schema-table-name
      - path: data
        type: resource

Making the above change to index, where we specify catalog-schema-table-name as the index type, requires that under src and local files are structured in a directories like

├── data
│   └── a.csv
├── local
│   └── example
│       └── pub
│           └── one.sql
├── remote
│   └── one.sql
├── src
│   └── example
│       └── pub
│           ├── three.sql
│           └── two.sql
└── workspace.sdf.yml

SDF workspaces default the catalog name to the workspace name specified in workspace.sdf.yml. It is important to add and update the catalog field within defaults of the workspace.sdf.yml file to reflect the appropriate catalog SDF will use for indexing.

Running sdf compile after making these changes and updating the index results in an improvemnet of total time to run, reducing down to less than 0.1 seconds.

Working set 3 model files, 1 .sdf file
  Compiling (./local/one.sql)
  Compiling (./src/example/pub/two.sql)
  Compiling (./src/example/pub/three.sql)
   Finished 3 models [3 succeeded] in 0.094 secs

Indexing with Schema-Table-Name

Another option, if your directories are set up as <schema>/<table-name> then you are able to use the index type schema-table-name.

To test this example type, update the workspace.sdf.yml to reflect the new indexing types and update the folder directories to reflect this change. It is important to set the catalog within defaults on each of the includes paths. For example, add the catalog default to each path, src and local below. If the default catalog is not set in the top-level workspace block, the catalog will default to the workspace name.

   name: csv_123
   edition: "1.3"
    schema: pub
    dialect: trino
      - path: models
        index: schema-table-name
          catalog: example
      - path: local
        index: schema-table-name
          catalog: example
      - path: data
Working set 3 model files, 1 .sdf file
  Compiling (./local/pub/one.sql)
  Compiling (./src/pub/two.sql)
  Compiling (./src/pub/three.sql)
   Finished 3 models [3 succeeded] in 0.081 secs