Configuring an SDF Role for Snowflake

Different SDF commands require different permissions from Snowflake, as such the Snowflake role SDF assumes should be configured to have the following permissions:


The CREATE MATERIALIZATION permission listed above is meant to be subsituted with the materialization type you are using. For example, if you are using table materializations, the permission should be CREATE TABLE. If using views or transient tables, the permission should be CREATE VIEW or CREATE TRANSIENT TABLE respectively. If you’d like to grant all write access on a database, these can be easily achieved with a grant all command on the database.

Required permissions for your Snowflake role are based on your integration configuration, as this determines where SDF will attempt to write models out to and where it will read schemas from.

Let’s imagine we had the following integration configured:

    - provider: snowflake
      type: database
      credential: limited
        - pattern: my_production_database.*.*
        - pattern: my_production_database.*.*
          rename-as: dev_sandbox.${1}.${2}

As we can see from the integration, SDF will read schemas from the my_production_database database and write models to the dev_sandbox database.

Despite my_production_database being included as a target, SDF only requires write access to the databases and schemas after the rename operation. As such, the dev_sandbox schema should be the only schema that requires write access.

Now let’s create a role sdf_dev_role with permissions to write to the dev_sandbox database and read from the my_production_database database. This role will model exactly what’s required to compile and run with the integration above.

-- Create the role

-- Allow your user to assume this role. Replace \<YOUR_USERNAME\> with the Snowflake username you're using with SDF.

-- Grant the role access to the warehouse. Replace \<MY_WAREHOUSE\> with the name of your warehouse.

-- Grant the role read access to all tables and views in `my_production_database`
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN DATABASE my_production_database TO ROLE sdf_dev_role;
GRANT SELECT ON ALL VIEWS IN DATABASE my_production_database TO ROLE sdf_dev_role;

-- Everything above is all that is necessary for `sdf compile`. If you want to run models, you'll need to grant the following permissions as well.

-- Grant the role write access to the `dev_sandbox` database
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE elias_sandbox TO ROLE sdf_dev_role;

-- Lastly, if you'd like SDF to be able to create databases for you as you author them locally, you'll need to grant the following permissions as well.
-- This is useful for provisioning new sandbox datases per-developer.

Case-Preserving Identifiers

SDF strongly recommends using the default to_upper dialect for all models in Snowflae, so that you’re local model specification matches Snowflake’s behavior in the cloud. Rarely if not ever should identifiers have their case preserved from the file system. Doing so likely creates unnecessary confusion in how models will be materialized and how they should be referenced in Snowflake.

In Snowflake, all names (including table names and column names) are case-sensitive. In addition, Snowflake normalizes all unquoted SQL identifiers to uppercase. This means if you execute a DDL CREATE TABLE my_model AS ... in Snowflake, the newly created table will be called MY_MODEL. Snowflake, however, will preserve the case of identifiers if they are enclosed in double quotes. This means the following SQL would produce a table called MyModel:

create table "MyModel" ...;

If you’d like to write a model in SDF that, when materialized, preserves the case of the filename that produces the model name, you can set the casing-policy option to preserve instead of to_upper for that model.

SDF determines the casing of identifiers using the casing-policy property. Since Snowflake post-normalization differs in its behavior from Snowflake pre-normalization, we introduced a casing-policy property to capture that behavior. In most dialects, this defaults to preserve. However, Snowflake is the special child! Since Snowflake normalizes to upper case, we default the casing-policy to to-upper for Snowflake. You should only overwrite this if you need to preserve identifier casing, or handle SQL filenames that begin with numbers.

The casing-policy property can be set at an individual table-block level, like so:

  name: example_undercase_table
  casing-policy: preserve

For all supported casing-policy options, see the casing-policy reference.

Snowflake Warehouse Specification

The Snowflake warehouse that a model runs on can be overwritten on the model-level. This allows for fine-grained configuration of how resources are utilized on a per-model basis, opening the door for cost and performance optimization through intelligent warehouse selection.

To specify the warehouse for a model, add the warehouse property to the table-block of an sdf.yml file.

The warehouse can be specified easily on the model level with the simple top-level warehouse specification like so:

  name: example_table
  materialization: table
  warehouse: BIG_WH

In incremental and snapshot scenarios, the top-level warehouse specification will be used by default for the first run, full refreshes, and incremental/snapshot runs.

However, in certain scenarios you might want to use a smaller warehouse for incremental or snapshot runs. This is configurable within the incremental-options and snapshot-options configs respectively. Here’s an example:

  name: example_incremental_table
  materialization: incremental-table
  warehouse: BIG_WH
    strategy: append
    compact-mode-warehouse: SMALL_WH

In this example, BIG_WH will be used by default for the first run, full refresh runs, and all tests, since tests will scan the history of all increments. Then, due to the compact-mode-warehouse property, SMALL_WH will be used for incremental runs.