
This guide describes the seeds mechanism that helps you upload raw data files (e.g. csv files) to Snowflake as tables


This guide should be followed after completing the Getting Started with Snowflake and SDF guide and the Basic Materialization with Snowflake guide.

You’ll also need:

  • A Snowflake account to connect to
  • Valid credentials with read and write access to the SEEDS database used in this guide.



Create a new SDF Project from the Seeds Sample

Create a new SDF project using the Seeds sample. This will create a new project in your current working directory with the sample project files.

sdf new --sample seeds

The newly created seeds directory contains three files:

  • The workspace file workspace.sdf.yml
  • The data file seeds/raw_customers.csv, and
  • The model models/french_customers.sql which consumes and filters the seed table

Contents of the workspace file

Let’s look into the workspace file:

  name: seeds
  edition: "1.3"
  description: >
    This workspace demonstrates a seed table: a table whose data is provided in a CSV file

    To follow along with SDF's official guide:  https://docs.sdf.com/integrations/snowflake/seeds

    dialect: snowflake
    preprocessor: jinja

    - provider: snowflake
      type: database
        - pattern: "*.*.*"
  name: test
    - path: seeds
      type: seed
    - path: models

Of note is the includes section containing two paths:

  • The models directory for all the model code, and
  • The seeds directory for the data files in CSV format.

The seeds path is declared with type: seed. This instructs SDF to look for CSV files in the specified directory.


Seed files

The seed flies must use CSV format and must include a header row. Here is seeds/raw_customers.csv with some synthetic customer data:

1,Genevieve Trevino,1-394-354-2458,gravida.aliquam@icloud.ca,749-727 Aliquam Rd.,Zamboanga Peninsula,5377 SH,Italy,2022-12-14T00:07:02.407Z,2022-12-21T14:08:36.464Z
2,Amos Dyer,1-277-725-1145,consequat.dolor.vitae@yahoo.couk,Ap 984-2094 Nulla. Ave,Västra Götalands län,392910,Russian Federation,2023-02-28T10:06:36.354Z,2023-03-05T18:06:37.369Z
3,Leslie Rollins,1-584-147-6573,nunc.sed@aol.net,366-8487 Pede. Street,Trøndelag,X1V 4CC,Austria,2023-02-13T02:06:10.388Z,2023-02-24T20:07:47.418Z

Models derived from seeds

Seed files materialize as tables which can be used in the definition of other models just like any other table. Here is a model which filters the above seed table to a subset of rows whose country is France:

select * from raw_customers
where country = 'France'

We can run this model as follows:

sdf run french_customers -e test

Working set 1 model file, 1 seed file, 1 .sdf file Uploading ‘SEEDS.PUB.RAW_CUSTOMERS’ Running SEEDS.PUB.FRENCH_CUSTOMERS (./models/french_customers.sql) Finished 2 models [2 succeeded] in 9.779 secs

Table SEEDS.PUB.FRENCH_CUSTOMERS ┌────────────┬─────────────────┬────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────┬───────────┬─────────┬─────────────────────────┬─────────────────────────┐ │ customerid ┆ name ┆ phone ┆ email ┆ address ┆ region ┆ postalzip ┆ country ┆ createdat ┆ updatedat │ ╞════════════╪═════════════════╪════════════════╪════════════════════════════════════════╪═════════════════════════════════╪═════════════════════════════╪═══════════╪═════════╪═════════════════════════╪═════════════════════════╡ │ 10 ┆ Alfonso Mcbride ┆ 1-426-567-2754 ┆ ultricies.ligula.nullam@protonmail.net ┆ P.O. Box 120, 3949 Leo, Rd. ┆ North Island ┆ 4751-5554 ┆ France ┆ 2023-02-11T02:05:55.379 ┆ 2023-02-19T09:06:00.400 │ │ 11 ┆ Carol White ┆ 1-192-246-3106 ┆ porttitor.scelerisque.neque@icloud.edu ┆ Ap #345-4585 Luctus Rd. ┆ Saint Petersburg City ┆ 57565 ┆ France ┆ 2023-01-24T07:06:21.325 ┆ 2023-02-02T10:07:55.385 │ │ 44 ┆ Keely Mccarthy ┆ 1-557-880-9789 ┆ tristique.senectus@aol.org ┆ P.O. Box 432, 6899 Accumsan Rd. ┆ Luxemburg ┆ 7542 ┆ France ┆ 2023-03-08T05:05:59.346 ┆ 2023-03-19T03:07:29.433 │ │ 76 ┆ Samantha Booker ┆ 1-691-851-1158 ┆ faucibus.orci@google.ca ┆ 148-3403 Aenean Road ┆ Southwestern Tagalog Region ┆ 8533 ┆ France ┆ 2023-03-06T09:05:33.404 ┆ 2023-03-14T08:06:44.471 │ │ 104 ┆ Kitra Huber ┆ 1-322-815-5342 ┆ interdum.curabitur@hotmail.couk ┆ 910-6287 Nam Rd. ┆ Viken ┆ 45012 ┆ France ┆ 2023-02-22T17:06:44.334 ┆ 2023-03-01T08:08:24.417 │ │ 147 ┆ Kaseem Rowland ┆ 1-209-868-8767 ┆ sed.facilisis@google.edu ┆ 2536 Aliquam St. ┆ Cartago ┆ 8576-5132 ┆ France ┆ 2023-02-16T21:06:00.390 ┆ 2023-02-22T05:06:19.404 │ │ 229 ┆ Deirdre Clark ┆ 1-821-572-8987 ┆ augue.scelerisque.mollis@hotmail.couk ┆ 2734 Natoque Avenue ┆ North Chungcheong ┆ 858642 ┆ France ┆ 2023-02-08T11:06:13.389 ┆ 2023-02-12T07:07:30.436 │ │ 257 ┆ Marah Silva ┆ 1-577-860-9883 ┆ pellentesque.ut.ipsum@yahoo.org ┆ Ap #318-2518 Risus St. ┆ Lubelskie ┆ 4718 ┆ France ┆ 2022-12-29T06:05:53.314 ┆ 2023-01-07T03:07:15.331 │ │ 316 ┆ Berk Melendez ┆ 1-425-391-6429 ┆ vel@aol.ca ┆ Ap #540-6098 Semper, Road ┆ Paraná ┆ 1274 ┆ France ┆ 2023-01-24T13:06:14.320 ┆ 2023-02-02T07:07:19.398 │ │ 377 ┆ Adam Fitzgerald ┆ 1-477-951-6067 ┆ sem@google.edu ┆ Ap #426-4098 Vestibulum Rd. ┆ Nariño ┆ 53150 ┆ France ┆ 2023-01-13T03:06:22.406 ┆ 2023-01-25T23:06:40.441 │ └────────────┴─────────────────┴────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────┴───────────┴─────────┴─────────────────────────┴─────────────────────────┘ 10 rows.


Ad-hoc queries against seeds

We can also run ad-hoc queries directly against seeds tables. Here is a query counting the number of countries in raw_customers:

sdf run -e test -q "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT country) AS cnt FROM raw_customers"

Working set 2 model files, 1 seed file, 1 .sdf file Uploading ‘SEEDS.PUB.RAW_CUSTOMERS’ Running seeds.pub.query (./sdftarget/test/query.sql) Finished 2 models [2 succeeded] in 9.053 secs

Table seeds.pub.query ┌─────┐ │ cnt │ ╞═════╡ │ 35 │ └─────┘ 1 rows.