
Returns a polygon containing the h3 integer cell boundaries Supported Signatures

function h3_cell_to_boundary(decimal(38, 0)) returns geography
function h3_cell_to_boundary(varchar) returns geography

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Returns the H3 children cells as integers for a given H3 index Supported Signatures

function h3_cell_to_children(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns array

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Returns the H3 children cells as strings for a given H3 index Supported Signatures

function h3_cell_to_children_string(varchar, decimal(38, 0)) returns array

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Returns the H3 parent cell as an integer for a given H3 index Supported Signatures

function h3_cell_to_parent(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns decimal(38, 0)
function h3_cell_to_parent(varchar, decimal(38, 0)) returns varchar

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Returns a point (geography) corresponding to the center of the h3 integer cell passed Supported Signatures

function h3_cell_to_point(decimal(38, 0)) returns geography
function h3_cell_to_point(varchar) returns geography

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Returns the full spherical based covering of H3 cells as integers for any geography type Supported Signatures

function h3_coverage(geography, decimal(38, 0)) returns array

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Returns the full spherical based covering of H3 cells as strings for any geography type Supported Signatures

function h3_coverage_strings(geography, decimal(38, 0)) returns array

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Returns the cell resolution for a given H3 integer cell Supported Signatures

function h3_get_resolution(decimal(38, 0)) returns decimal(38, 0)
function h3_get_resolution(varchar) returns decimal(38, 0)

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Returns all H3 cells that are at most k steps away from the input cell Supported Signatures

function h3_grid_disk(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns array
function h3_grid_disk(varchar, decimal(38, 0)) returns array

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Returns the number of H3 cells that are betweem two input cells Supported Signatures

function h3_grid_distance(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns decimal(38, 0)
function h3_grid_distance(varchar, varchar) returns decimal(38, 0)

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Returns all H3 cells that are along the straight line connecting both cells Supported Signatures

function h3_grid_path(decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns array
function h3_grid_path(varchar, varchar) returns array

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Returns the H3 cell formatted as a string given its integer representation Supported Signatures

function h3_int_to_string(decimal(38, 0)) returns varchar

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Returns an H3 index as an integer that corresponds to a given point (lat/lng) and resolution Supported Signatures

function h3_latlng_to_cell(double, double, decimal(38, 0)) returns decimal(38, 0)

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Returns an H3 index as a string that corresponds to a given point (lat/lng) and resolution Supported Signatures

function h3_latlng_to_cell_string(double, double, decimal(38, 0)) returns varchar

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Returns an H3 integer cell that corresponds to a given point (geography) and resolution Supported Signatures

function h3_point_to_cell(geography, decimal(38, 0)) returns decimal(38, 0)

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Returns an H3 string cell that corresponds to a given point (geography) and resolution Supported Signatures

function h3_point_to_cell_string(geography, decimal(38, 0)) returns varchar

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Returns the planar centroid based covering of H3 cells as integers for a polygon/multipolygon Supported Signatures

function h3_polygon_to_cells(geography, decimal(38, 0)) returns array

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Returns the planar centroid based covering of H3 cells as strings for a polygon/multipolygon Supported Signatures

function h3_polygon_to_cells_strings(geography, decimal(38, 0)) returns array

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Returns the H3 cell formatted as an integer given its string representation Supported Signatures

function h3_string_to_int(varchar) returns decimal(38, 0)

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Calculate great circle distance (in km) from two (lat, lon) locations (degrees). Supported Signatures

function haversine(double, double, double, double) returns double

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Area of the object in square meters Supported Signatures

function st_area(geography) returns double
function st_area(geometry) returns double

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Return the WKB representation of the GEOGRAPHY object Supported Signatures

function st_asbinary(geography) returns binary
function st_asbinary(geometry) returns binary

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Return the EWKB representation of the GEOGRAPHY object Supported Signatures

function st_asewkb(geography) returns binary
function st_asewkb(geometry) returns binary

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Return the WKB representation of the GEOGRAPHY object Supported Signatures

function st_asewkt(geography) returns varchar
function st_asewkt(geometry) returns varchar

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Return the GeoJSON representation of the GEOGRAPHY object Supported Signatures

function st_asgeojson(geography) returns object
function st_asgeojson(geometry) returns object

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Return the WKT representation of the GEOGRAPHY object Supported Signatures

function st_astext(geography) returns varchar
function st_astext(geometry) returns varchar

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Return the WKB representation of the GEOGRAPHY object Supported Signatures

function st_aswkb(geography) returns binary
function st_aswkb(geometry) returns binary

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Return the WKB representation of the GEOGRAPHY object Supported Signatures

function st_aswkt(geography) returns varchar
function st_aswkt(geometry) returns varchar

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Returns the azimuth in radians of the segment defined by the given point Supported Signatures

function st_azimuth(geography, geography) returns double
function st_azimuth(geometry, geometry) returns double

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Returns the geometry generated by the buffer operation upon the given input geometry using the diven distance Supported Signatures

function st_buffer(geometry, double) returns geometry

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The centroid of geography Supported Signatures

function st_centroid(geography) returns geography
function st_centroid(geometry) returns geometry

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Aggregates all geographies into a GeometryCollection or Multi* geography if they are all of the same single element type (e.g. Point) Supported Signatures

function st_collect(geography) returns geography
function st_collect(geography, geography) returns geography

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True if the first object fully contains the second Supported Signatures

function st_contains(geography, geography) returns boolean
function st_contains(geometry, geometry) returns boolean

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True if the second object covers the first Supported Signatures

function st_coveredby(geography, geography) returns boolean
function st_coveredby(geometry, geometry) returns boolean

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True if the first object covers the second Supported Signatures

function st_covers(geography, geography) returns boolean
function st_covers(geometry, geometry) returns boolean

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Geometry representing the set difference a minus b Supported Signatures

function st_difference(geography, geography) returns geography

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The dimension of the input geography Supported Signatures

function st_dimension(geography) returns decimal(38, 0)
function st_dimension(geometry) returns decimal(38, 0)

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True if the two objects not intersect Supported Signatures

function st_disjoint(geography, geography) returns boolean
function st_disjoint(geometry, geometry) returns boolean

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Distance between two geography objects in meters Supported Signatures

function st_distance(geography, geography) returns double
function st_distance(geometry, geometry) returns double

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True if the minimum distance between two objects is smaller than or equal to the specified distance in meters Supported Signatures

function st_dwithin(geography, geography, double) returns boolean

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The last point in the geography, only supports LineStrings Supported Signatures

function st_endpoint(geography) returns geography
function st_endpoint(geometry) returns geometry

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the double-precision (float8) minimum bounding box for the supplied geometry Supported Signatures

function st_envelope(geography) returns geography
function st_envelope(geometry) returns geometry

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The geography represented by the geohash Supported Signatures

function st_geogfromgeohash(varchar, decimal(38, 0)) returns geography
function st_geogfromgeohash(varchar) returns geography

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The point represented by the geohash Supported Signatures

function st_geogpointfromgeohash(varchar) returns geography

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Parse WKB or EWKB Supported Signatures

function st_geographyfromwkb(varchar) returns geography
function st_geographyfromwkb(varchar, boolean) returns geography
function st_geographyfromwkb(binary) returns geography
function st_geographyfromwkb(binary, boolean) returns geography

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Alias of ST_GEOGRAPHYFROMTEXT Supported Signatures

function st_geographyfromwkt(varchar) returns geography
function st_geographyfromwkt(varchar, boolean) returns geography

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The geohash of a geography Supported Signatures

function st_geohash(geography, decimal(38, 0)) returns varchar
function st_geohash(geography) returns varchar

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Parse WKB or EWKB from binary Supported Signatures

function st_geometryfromwkb(binary, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkb(binary) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkb(varchar, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkb(varchar) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkb(binary, decimal(38, 0), boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkb(binary, boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkb(varchar, decimal(38, 0), boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkb(varchar, boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkb(varchar, decimal(38, 0), boolean) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkb(varchar, boolean) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkb(binary, decimal(38, 0), boolean) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkb(binary, boolean) returns geometry

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Alias of ST_GEOMETRYFROMTEXT Supported Signatures

function st_geometryfromwkt(varchar) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkt(varchar, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkt(varchar, decimal(38, 0), boolean) returns geometry
function st_geometryfromwkt(varchar, boolean) returns geometry

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the Hausdorff distance between two geometries Supported Signatures

function st_hausdorffdistance(geography, geography) returns double

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Geometry representing the intersection of a and b Supported Signatures

function st_intersection(geography, geography) returns geography

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True if the two objects intersect Supported Signatures

function st_intersects(geography, geography) returns boolean
function st_intersects(geometry, geometry) returns boolean

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True if g has an internal representation Supported Signatures

function st_isvalid(geography) returns boolean
function st_isvalid(geometry) returns boolean

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Length or perimeter of the object in meters Supported Signatures

function st_length(geography) returns double
function st_length(geometry) returns double

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Creates a point with the given x and y Supported Signatures

function st_makegeompoint(double, double) returns geometry

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Create a Line out of the points in the input geographies Supported Signatures

function st_makeline(geography, geography) returns geography
function st_makeline(geometry, geometry) returns geometry

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Creates a point with the given longitude and latitude Supported Signatures

function st_makepoint(double, double) returns geography

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The Polygon consisting of the LineString as outer shell Supported Signatures

function st_makepolygon(geography) returns geography
function st_makepolygon(geometry) returns geometry

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The Polygon consisting of the LineString as outer shell, with unmodified orientation Supported Signatures

function st_makepolygonoriented(geography) returns geography

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The number of points in the object’s definition Supported Signatures

function st_npoints(geography) returns decimal(38, 0)
function st_npoints(geometry) returns decimal(38, 0)

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Alias for ST_NPOINTS Supported Signatures

function st_numpoints(geography) returns decimal(38, 0)
function st_numpoints(geometry) returns decimal(38, 0)

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Perimeter of the object in meters Supported Signatures

function st_perimeter(geography) returns double
function st_perimeter(geometry) returns double

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Creates a point with the given longitude and latitude Supported Signatures

function st_point(double, double) returns geography

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The nth point in the geography, only supports LineStrings Supported Signatures

function st_pointn(geography, decimal(38, 0)) returns geography
function st_pointn(geometry, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry

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Alias for ST_MAKEPOLYGON Supported Signatures

function st_polygon(geography) returns geography
function st_polygon(geometry) returns geometry

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Returns a geometry same as input geometry but with SRID set to the given value Supported Signatures

function st_setsrid(geometry, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry

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Simplified version of the given geometry Supported Signatures

function st_simplify(geography, double, boolean) returns geography
function st_simplify(geography, double) returns geography
function st_simplify(geometry, double) returns geometry

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Returns the SRID of a geography if present. Otherwise 4326 Supported Signatures

function st_srid(geography) returns decimal(38, 0)
function st_srid(geometry) returns decimal(38, 0)

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The first point in the geography, only supports LineStrings Supported Signatures

function st_startpoint(geography) returns geography
function st_startpoint(geometry) returns geometry

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Geometry representing the set symmetric difference a minus b Supported Signatures

function st_symdifference(geography, geography) returns geography

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Returns the geometry transformed from one SRID to another SRID. Supported Signatures

function st_transform(geometry, decimal(38, 0), decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry
function st_transform(geometry, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry

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Geometry representing the union of a and b Supported Signatures

function st_union(geography, geography) returns geography

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True if the second object fully contains the first Supported Signatures

function st_within(geography, geography) returns boolean
function st_within(geometry, geometry) returns boolean

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The longitude of a point Supported Signatures

function st_x(geography) returns double
function st_x(geometry) returns double

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The maximum longitude Supported Signatures

function st_xmax(geography) returns double
function st_xmax(geometry) returns double

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The minimum longitude Supported Signatures

function st_xmin(geography) returns double
function st_xmin(geometry) returns double

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The latitude of a point Supported Signatures

function st_y(geography) returns double
function st_y(geometry) returns double

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The maximum latitude Supported Signatures

function st_ymax(geography) returns double
function st_ymax(geometry) returns double

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The minimum latitude Supported Signatures

function st_ymin(geography) returns double
function st_ymin(geometry) returns double

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No-op; prevents us from re-packaging GEOGRAPHY during input Supported Signatures

function to_geography(geography) returns geography
function to_geography(geography, boolean) returns geography
function to_geography(variant) returns geography
function to_geography(variant, boolean) returns geography
function to_geography(varchar) returns geography
function to_geography(varchar, boolean) returns geography
function to_geography(binary) returns geography
function to_geography(binary, boolean) returns geography
function to_geography($1) returns geography

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No-op; prevents us from re-packaging GEOMETRY during input Supported Signatures

function to_geometry(geometry) returns geometry
function to_geometry(variant, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry
function to_geometry(variant) returns geometry
function to_geometry(varchar, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry
function to_geometry(varchar) returns geometry
function to_geometry(binary, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry
function to_geometry(binary) returns geometry
function to_geometry(variant, decimal(38, 0), boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function to_geometry(variant, boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function to_geometry(variant, decimal(38, 0), boolean) returns geometry
function to_geometry(variant, boolean) returns geometry
function to_geometry(varchar, decimal(38, 0), boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function to_geometry(varchar, boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function to_geometry(varchar, decimal(38, 0), boolean) returns geometry
function to_geometry(varchar, boolean) returns geometry
function to_geometry(binary, decimal(38, 0), boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function to_geometry(binary, boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function to_geometry(binary, decimal(38, 0), boolean) returns geometry
function to_geometry(binary, boolean) returns geometry

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No-op; prevents us from re-packaging GEOGRAPHY during input Supported Signatures

function try_to_geography(geography) returns geography
function try_to_geography(geography, boolean) returns geography
function try_to_geography(variant) returns geography
function try_to_geography(variant, boolean) returns geography
function try_to_geography(varchar) returns geography
function try_to_geography(varchar, boolean) returns geography
function try_to_geography(binary) returns geography
function try_to_geography(binary, boolean) returns geography

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No-op; prevents us from re-packaging GEOMETRY during input Supported Signatures

function try_to_geometry(geometry) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(variant, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(variant) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(varchar, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(varchar) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(binary, decimal(38, 0)) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(binary) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(variant, decimal(38, 0), boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(variant, boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(variant, decimal(38, 0), boolean) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(variant, boolean) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(varchar, decimal(38, 0), boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(varchar, boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(varchar, decimal(38, 0), boolean) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(varchar, boolean) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(binary, decimal(38, 0), boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(binary, boolean, boolean) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(binary, decimal(38, 0), boolean) returns geometry
function try_to_geometry(binary, boolean) returns geometry

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