Color Functions
Renders a single bar in an ANSI bar chart using a default low_color of red and a high_color of green. For example, if x of 25% and width of 40 are passed to this function. A 10-character red bar will be drawn followed by 30 spaces to create a bar of 40 characters.
Supported Signatures
Returns a color capturing a decoded RGB value from a 4-character string of the format “#000”. The input string should be varchar containing a CSS-style short rgb string or one of black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white.
Supported Signatures
Renders value x using the specific color using ANSI color codes. x can be either a double, bigint, or varchar.
Supported Signatures
Returns a color value capturing the RGB value of three component color values supplied as int parameters ranging from 0 to 255. red, green, blue.
Supported Signatures