
Determine if json is a scalar (i.e. a JSON number, a JSON string, true, false or null).

Supported Signatures

function is_json_scalar(json) returns boolean
function is_json_scalar(varchar) returns boolean

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Determine if value exists in json (a string containing a JSON array).

Supported Signatures

function json_array_contains(json, bigint) returns boolean
function json_array_contains(json, boolean) returns boolean
function json_array_contains(json, double) returns boolean
function json_array_contains(json, varchar) returns boolean
function json_array_contains(varchar, bigint) returns boolean
function json_array_contains(varchar, boolean) returns boolean
function json_array_contains(varchar, double) returns boolean
function json_array_contains(varchar, varchar) returns boolean

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Supported Signatures

function json_array_get(json, bigint) returns json
function json_array_get(varchar, bigint) returns json

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Returns the array length of json (a string containing a JSON array).

Supported Signatures

function json_array_length(json) returns bigint
function json_array_length(varchar) returns bigint

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Evaluates the JSONPath-like expression json_path on json (a string containing JSON) and returns the result as a JSON string.

Supported Signatures

function json_extract(json, jsonpath) returns json
function json_extract(varchar, jsonpath) returns json

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Like json_extract(), but returns the result value as a string (as opposed to being encoded as JSON). The value referenced by json_path must be a scalar (boolean, number or string).

Supported Signatures

function json_extract_scalar(json, jsonpath) returns varchar
function json_extract_scalar(varchar, jsonpath) returns varchar

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Returns the JSON text serialized from the input JSON value. This is inverse function to json_parse().

Supported Signatures

function json_format(json) returns varchar

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Returns the JSON value deserialized from the input JSON text. This is inverse function to json_format().

Supported Signatures

function json_parse(varchar) returns json

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Like json_extract(), but returns the size of the value. For objects or arrays, the size is the number of members, and the size of a scalar value is zero.

Supported Signatures

function json_size(json, jsonpath) returns bigint
function json_size(varchar, jsonpath) returns bigint

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