
Returns a map containing the Murmur3Hash128 hashed values and the count of their occurences within the internal MinHash structure belonging to x.

Supported Signatures

function hash_counts(setdigest) returns map<bigint, smallint>

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Returns the estimation for the cardinality of the intersection of the two set digests.

Supported Signatures

function intersection_cardinality(setdigest, setdigest) returns bigint

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Returns the estimation of Jaccard index for the two set digests.

Supported Signatures

function jaccard_index(setdigest, setdigest) returns double

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Composes all input values of x into a setdigest.

Supported Signatures

function make_set_digest($1) returns setdigest

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Returns the setdigest of the aggregate union of the individual setdigest Set Digest structures.

Supported Signatures

function merge_set_digest(setdigest) returns setdigest

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